Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Welcome to the playground

The big kids just called to see if I want to come out and play.

And I sure do.

Big interview at 3:00.

Stay tuned.


The interview went really well.

Fingers crossed tightly.

I need to apply for some other random jobs to take the edge off in case I don't get this one.


Jen said...

Good luck!

Dreamlover said...

Good luck!!

(I'm going to work on my capitalized expressions)! ;0)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll shine, Geeksters! Knock their socks off, will ya? :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck, all the best.

geeksters said...

Thanks, dear readers.

The interview went really well and it turns out the pay is double (yes, double) what I was anticipating.

I won't find out if I got it for another week or two, but it would be a really fun potentially-career-starting summer job with a killer network.