Sunday, May 21, 2006

Brokeback Mounties*

The cutest male gay couple is getting married next month. They are Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers and have been dating the last eight years. They will be the first gay police couple to get married in Canadian history.

Looks like the Mounties always get their men.*

*I didn't come up with either of these jokes; they were both on the news. That can't be very politically correct, can it?


Peter Matthes said...

At least they aren't lumberjacks.

Unknown said...

Looks like I am on the right blog. Nevermind your blog is really (spelled correctly I might add) interesting. You can visit my buring blog if you are interested, but why would you be (oh, yea, I am really cool).

geeksters said...

Welcome back, dear. Want to know a little something ironic? While you were posting your comment I was writing 'Je deteste...'. It must be fate.