Sunday, May 07, 2006

Decisions by default

I'm terrible at making decisions. I always wait until it's too late to pick one thing and end up stuck with the other. Now that my decisions could shape the way the rest of my life turns out, the choices are that much harder.

Here are just a few of the options (in no order at all):

- work for a crappy newspaper in a small town long enough to get some good clippings and a few years experience before getting hired on contract for a better paper

- join with an environmentally-friendly group on a one-year contract to write, edit and get government and corporate donations for a book of advice on local environmental options

- go anywhere in Asia and teach English
(I don't really like the idea of being a teacher, but the return flight and accomodations are paid for and the pay on top of that isn't bad.)

- try to convince a production company to hire me to do some shooting

- go anywhere in Africa and volunteer, spending all the leftover student loan money on a flight and appealing for intrest relief for the rest of my life

- get a Master's Degree in English since I aleady have a minor and could go straight into the Master's program

- get a Master's Degree in sociology because I love it, even though I would have to take probably another year of classes before getting into the Master's program

I have to pick something, and soon. I feel like I'm being smothered by all these choices and I don't want to pick the wrong one. Summer classes start tomorrow and I might take one just to buy me a few more weeks of decisionlessness.


Jen said...

You have so many choices- all of which have their level of appeal. The teaching English in Asia appealed to me most on the list. Then come back and start working for a paper. Whatever you do- do it well and with all your heart and you will be happy. :)

Chris said...

I think you should go to Mexico and then try and sneak across the border into the United States. Just to see if you could do it!!!!

geeksters said...

Welcome back, nemisis of the blogging world. I've missed you these last few days.

Funny the advise you gave about school. I decided late last night/early this morning to drop my summer class. I feel too full of facts and research to stay in school any longer. I think I just needed to go back long enough to realize that. Fortunately I dropped early enough to get all my tuition refunded.

I've been applying for jobs and checking out all the options. So anything could happen in the next few months.

"don't go to hongkong, i love it but i think you'll hate it." Why?

I was there a few years ago visiting my older sister who was teaching English at the time. I loved it. It was so busy and crowded and warm and full of life.

x said...


however, nippon is the last bastion of tue human civilisation. truly amazing.

x said...

"Fortunately...all my tuition refunded."

well, fortunate for them really, as we've already discussed favoured methods of justice in this regard....

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