Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Last night the rain spoke to me

- by Mary Oliver

Last night
the rain
spoke to me
slowly, saying,

what joy
to come falling
out of the brisk cloud,
to be happy again

in a new way
on the earth!
That's what it said
as it dropped,

smelling of iron,
and vanished
like a dream of the ocean
into the branches

and the grass below.
Then it was over.
The sky cleared.
I was standing

under a tree.
The tree was a tree
with happy leaves,
and I was myself,

and there were stars in the sky
that were also themselves
at the moment,
at which moment

my right hand
was holding my left hand
which was holding the tree
which was filled with stars

and the soft rain.

forgiveness sometime in 2005

(I cut the poem off three lines early, but I think it's more beautiful this way.)


Jen said...

I really like that poem. Thanks for sharing!

geeksters said...

The last three lines are:

imagine! imagine!
the long and wondrous journeys
still to be ours.

I like when poems are slightly ambiguous and can have whatever meaning you want them to. I think the ending spoils it a little.

Anonymous said...

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