Friday, May 26, 2006

The three-step guide to winning me over

What could a guy dating one of my friends do to convince me to approve of him and their relationship?

1. For starters he should definately mention how he'd like my friend and I to make out. Bonus points if this is a recurring theme throughout the evening.

2. Then, when stealing flowers for his new girlfriend from the planter outside the restaurant we've just eaten at, he should make sure to rip out a petunia for me too.

3. Also, he should make sure to have an abundance of dirty socks and plastic bags on the floor of his truck. Nothing says "great boyfriend" better than a travelling sock collection.

(He's not actually that bad and I'm already starting to like him, petty theft and lewd comments aside. Good thing my friend is the one dating him, not me.)


Dreamlover said...

Sounds like a winner to me!!

Jen said...

Sounds awesome.

Tanya Kristine said...


taht was funny.

drippy sarcasm...thats a one step way to win ME over.

Peter Matthes said...

Threesomes with dirty socks are the best!

You haven't lived until you ... well you get the idea.

Tai said...

Uh...where do I find me one 'o' them kinda boys.

Anonymous said...

What a gem. I'm swooning here. :)