Sunday, May 28, 2006

My fiance

I went for coffee with my fiance today. I'd think you'd all like her. She is lovely, brilliant, witty and kind. She is also white wine, Brie cheese and the symphony classy.

We've had heated arguments about punctuation, and the Oxford comma remains a point of contention. (The Oxford comma: We love semi-colons, regular colons, and the apostrophe. The red comma is optional and we disagree about when it should be used.)

We got engaged last year after a conversation where I used the word "hence" and she said "juxtaposed" in her answer. At that point we realized were both doomed to being single forever. (We have since stopped seeing being single as a bad thing and are glad to be quite selective in those whom we choose to date.)

We aren't getting married unless we are 40 and both of us are still single. If we are, which I am quite certain we will be, we are uncertain about our plans until retirement. But that's one plan we have solidified.

We will be moving to Switzerland and living in a cottage high up in the mountains. Our cottage will have a red water wheel on one side and a small chocolate factory in the basement (that will be for me, as I plan to be delighfully robust when I'm old).

She will knit with wool from our sheep that will frolic in the Alps with golden bells tinkling from around their necks. We haven't decided for certain if we will make our own cheese, but there is a very good possibility.


x said...

the only thing more grim than lezzos is old lezzos.

geeksters said...

None of that icky stuff, silly. We would be more like seperate-room roomates with similar opinions on punctuation, chocolate and men.

Jen said...

Sounds like a nice life to me!

Dreamlover said...

I had that with a friend, but she got engaged.

I know have that with a guy friend, haha (I don't know if he gets the separate rooms though)

Marla said...

sounds like THE life.

haven't heard from you in years geeksters! if you don't remember me, talk to jen or amanda, they'll remind you.

miss you.

geeksters said...

Of course I remember my dear Cankerworm! How could I ever forget you?

I think it's been about five years actually. How have you been? You and M are still together, aren't you? What are you up to these days?

Katy said...

I liked this post. Hehe.

Samantha said...

Lovely idea.

I'd pick London instead of Switzerland though.

It's hard to wish you luck in the journey to marriage when your plan already sounds so good.

@alyssa ettinger said...

ah, the old serial comma debate. strunk and white says it belongs, AP style says it doesn't. since most trashy publications and shitty writers use AP, i choose strunk. ergo, serial comma.

Marla said...

hi geeksters. i'm glad you remember. m and i are still together, married almost 2 years now. would love to email you. are you at

geeksters said...


I liked him as soon as I met him. Good for you for keeping him:)

That's the right e-mail address and I'd love to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! And feeding valtrex breast