Thursday, May 18, 2006

Help save ... everything

I made a foolish mistake when I made a donation to Red Cross shortly after the tsunami -- I gave them my mailing address.

I don't mind the Red Cross and haven't minded the few letters they've sent. The problem I have is with the other non-profit organizations they shared my address with. In the last week I've gotten letters asking me to save the marmots from extinction, help find a cure for arthritis and to protect Canadian wildlife.

Everyone wants my money, and that might make sense if I actually had any.

What bothers me about these other non-profits is that they spend money trying to convince me to help them. With more sets of address labels than I can count, several note pads, Christmas cards with pictures of endangered species on them, calenders, artwork quadrapelegics (sp) created with paintbrushes in their mouths, etc., I'm sure I've gotten more in free gifts than I donated in the first place.

While donating to the Red Cross made me feel like a good person, I feel terrible every time I keep my new presents and throw out the donor cards. I feel like I'm stealing from all these poor organizations that are trying to do good work.

Anyone want me to adopt a marmot in honour of your birthday?


Jen said...

haha. I always feel the same way. I say "Sweet! Labels!" as I throw away the rest of the envelope's contents.

Oh well.

Ike said...

I think you should adopt me. I have several good causes. I'll make sure your money isn't wasted. Satisfaction always guaranteed. Plus, no pictures, no cards, no licked stamps, no b.s. That Canadian Red Cross sounds like a real charm.

Anonymous said...

That's too funny! Don't feel bad; all you can do is all you can do. The marmots will be fine without your money. :)

Unknown said...

No good deed goes unpunished