Thursday, May 18, 2006

Turkish Delight

My new hair is neat. And it should wash out in 8-12 shampoos, so it's not too scary for me.

(My hair is naturally strawberry blonde -- or as I like to call it Zanzibar Sunset -- so it's three or four levels lighter than in the picture.)

I once dyed my hair so black it had a blue-ish glow. That didn't look so cute when it started to grow out, and ever since then I've been nervous about going a different colour.

I used Colour Flirt and probably bought it because of the name. Nothing like a little temporary fun :)


Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity, did you stick your head into the scanner to make this fabulous picture? That seems like a rather odd and uncomfortable practice.

Anonymous said...

That hair is lovely. I wish I had lont strait hair, but alas the hair gods cursed me to look like bobo the clown every time I try to grow my hair more than 3 inches.

Peter Matthes said...

That is a nice hair color.

"Tequila Sunrise"?

geeksters said...

Yes, dear Faunty, I did, in fact, put my hair in the scanner. Twice. And it was just as uncomfortable as you might imagine.

Thanks Small. I've always wanted curly hair, so maybe we could work out a trade.

"Tequila Sunrise" works too, but I think "Turkish Delight" works better. Turkish Delight is a gross-tasting chewy purple-y red candy covered in chocolate. It seems like that is what my new hair would taste like.

Chris said...

Nice color... but didn't you have a post afterwards about something. I can't remember but I know I read it. Hmmm perhaps I am going crazy!

Chris said...

Oh my God! I spelt colour the American way. Oops.

Anonymous said...

So now you're a true redhead. I dyed my hair auburn once, with traumatic results. Your dye job looks much more successful than mine was. Hope you enjoy the scarlett locks! :)

geeksters said...

I hope you feel sufficiently remorseful for your Americanization, big guy.

I had written a post about internet censorship and covert actions that has been removed because the crisis has been resolved.