Friday, May 19, 2006

The skinny on skin

I was reading the New York Times eariler this week and came across a story about an Asian woman who used a chemical cream to lighten her skin. Her face reacted to the lotion and is covered in blotchy patches of pink and brown and her doctor doesn't think it can be fixed.

Apparently a lot of Asian women wish their skin was lighter and try all sorts of dangerous procedures to be as pasty as possible.

I have a brown friend whose skin is only slightly darker than mine. She showed me a picture of a girl with Nicole-Kidman-ghost-white skin and was telling me how beautiful she finds transluscent skin.

We watched a few Baliwood movies and the stars are so light-skinned you can barely even tell they're brown. Meanwhile white stars dye themselves orange to look healthy(ie. Jessica Simpson). What a strange world we live in where everyone thinks they would look better if they were the opposite of themselves.

Here's to me putting on sunscreen and to you enjoying your gorgeous perma-tan.


Anonymous said...

I once saw a japanese product designed to make nipples more pink. Apparantly in Japan dark means sluty.

I am perfectly happy being my very pale, almost translucent self.

Jen said...

Interesting fact for you:

It used to be desireable to be as white as possible. Dark skin meant that you had to work outside in the hot sun so were considered to look "poor" and "trashy" if you were tanned.

Then, some famous rich woman (I can't remember who know- darn!) went on a trip somewhere and came back with a tan. Of course, the trend caught on and now tan is in.


Anonymous said...

I love being tanned and have often wondered why that's so. I guess I am nothing more than a victim to what the beauty magazines say I should look like. And about the profile numbers...did you want me to pay you by cash or cheque? :)

Peter Matthes said...

The grass is always greener on the other side.

I wonder if there is a product that will let me change my nipples to green.

geeksters said...

Yeah, I've heard that, Jen. It's all about looking like you're rich.

In other countries the poorest workers spend their days outside toiling in the sun, while the rich stay in their air-conditioned palaces in their pale splendour.

I'll take cash, Amanda, but I want double or nothing if your baby is born a day early and we end up sharing the same birthday.

geeksters said...

Yes, it would be rather confusing trying to kill all the non-natural whites when everyone is dressed up in camoflauge chemical colours.

Perhaps the skin colouring trend is actually a survival scheme to outwit the racists.