Thursday, June 01, 2006

Disgustingly satisfying*

1. walking barefoot through warm squishy mud

2. peeing in the shower

(Did you know that some lotions contain urea? Urea is a crystalized form of pee and since it's in lotion, one might assume that means it's also good for the skin.)

3. gorging on tasteless but gooey pizza

4. leaving toenail clippings on the carpet

5. using q-tips

6. tweezing armpit hairs

7. slathering plain yogurt on sunburned skin (I don't know if it actually does anything, but it's cold and messy and therefore delightful.)

8. poking bruises hard to see how much they hurt

*Please note I am not technically admitting to doing any of these things. That's, like, totally gross.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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