Sunday, June 11, 2006

Your guide to hitch hiking etiquette

Rule number one*:

When hitch hiking, do not sit at the side of the road with your thumb out. Walk, strongly and independently on the shoulder in the direction you wish to go.

That way when greasy, murderous-looking strangers with deer carcasses in the backs of their rusted trucks offer you a ride, you can politely decline, saying you are merely out for a stroll.

*Hitch hiking is not the most polite of endeavours, so this is the only etiquette rule that applies.


Tai said...

Also, according to the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" you might want to bring a towel.

It can serve as a handy weapon against those greasy carcass totin' freaks.

(WHAT, you've never heard of the
'The Guide'???)

Quick, bring on the Douglas Adams!

geeksters said...

A towel would be a good idea. So would a plastic seat cover so you don't have to sit in the mustard/pee/vomit/slurpee puddles on the passenger seat.

I suppose I will have to see that movie if I claim to be an expert on the delicate art of hitch hiking:)

x said...

you forgot "tight short skirt and low cut flimsy blouse"

also you forgot "carry a shiv" and "keep mace in your purse"

just saying...

geeksters said...

I wouldn't say I "forgot" your suggestions because I was only covering how to display good manners while trying to hitch a ride.

Unfortunately, polite company may not find short skirts and cattle prods appropriate.

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