Thursday, June 01, 2006

Identity crisis

I get twitchy when people refer to me as "Geeksters."

I'm not a capital-G entity, but a baby one. As in "geeksters." I'm fully prepared to admit to being a geek, but not a Geek. Little g's are cute, big ones not so much.

(I'm like this with my given name too. When I paint, I sign my name with a dash and then my lower-case initial.)

While I'm on the topic of names, perhaps I should explain why name is plural but I am singular. When I started "geeksters," it was as a joint effort between one of my sisters and I, with the intention of getting another sister to join in too. Before Fauntleroy abandoned me, we decided to be known as geeks that are sisters, hence geeksters.

Now that I'm on my own, I find the plural name fits with my multiple personalities.

We like it. We also like good grammar.


Jen said...

I always refer to you as Geeksters. I don't know what else to say. Usually I type your real name and then backspace it!

geeksters said...

That's funny about the backspacing.

I just twitched again seeing that G. As long as it's with a little g, geeksters is what I prefer.

Jen said...

Ok- I'll remember that.

geeksters, geeksters, geeksters. Got it.

geeksters said...

Seriously, how much backspacing did you just do?


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