Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Poor lonely girls

I just read this Reuters article: "Many teenage girls feel pressured into sex: Survey finds young women give in out of fear of angering boyfriend" and it made me sad and upset.

Here are a few stats the survey compiled from responces given by 279 girls between 14 and 17:

... 41 percent said they’d had unwanted sex at some point. The most common reason was fear that their boyfriend would become angry. Ten percent, though, said their partner forced them have sex when they didn’t want to. About 5 percent said they’d had sex after being offered money or gifts.

You can read the whole article here:


Jen said...


I fear for the girls growing up in this generation and all the ones to follow.

So so sad.

Dreamlover said...

me too, I think it has alot to do with the wanting to feel loved by a male!!