Sunday, July 30, 2006

My sister, the tooter

Sometimes I call Faunty by her given name, Little Fart.

Last night I was getting ready for bed when she knocked on the washroom door.

"Come in, Fart," I said.

She opened the door, came in and said something like, "I would think it would be better for you to summon your farts out. It seems healthier somehow."

Faunty is a funny fart.


Peter Matthes said...

Fluffer means something else on a porn set.

Speaking of which, there is a very funny Jon Stewart clip on my blog about the porn industry and the Republican party. I know how you love Jon.

geeksters said...

Oops. Sorry Faunty.

By the way, Faunty would like it known that she didn't earn her name because of excessive flatulence, but because I thought it would be a sweet and endearing nickname.