Thursday, July 13, 2006

I heart not working

I'm quite sure I haven't done anything useful today. I tried to go to the farm, but got lost. Then I should've written about the farm, but instead had to write about being lost.

Then I took a picture of an old lady in her garden.

I also suggested doing a celebrity gossip column, but the publisher didn't think it would be appropriate. Instead she wants me to write about local celebrities. As in the guy that owns this restaurant or the woman who made the fanciest quilt at the fair. All I wanted was to be paid to do "research" on Is that too much to ask? I think not. Anyways, I can't write coffee row gossip until I know the town better, so that idea has been delayed for a while.

Also at work I've blogged, figured out how to use the scanner on a stupid old apple computer and looked at the hot-off-the-press paper and felt smugly proud.

I really should do some work, but it seems like working isn't necessarily part of my job description.


j said...

The One Where the Lurker Finally Speaks Up...

Dude! I've been meaning to say how excited I am to read your adventures column. Congrats!

geeksters said...

Hi Jamie,

I'm afraid my mini-adventures won't be as exciting as your huge African exploration. I take it you've used you investigative skills to track down my column? Impressive.

You're right, Andy. But it's way easier to open a gossip web site than to track down the local eccentrics.