Thursday, July 27, 2006

Charming carnies

The fair left town but didn't take all of its trash with it.

I know this because I saw two of the carnies in court earlier this week.

One was there with a friend who was being charged for failing to report an accident, but he wasn't on trial for anything.

The other carnie was much classier. He showed up in court with these shiny silver braclets on his wrists. He is 20 and is charged with sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl. She said she was attacked; he said she wanted to be able to go on all the rides for free and would sleep with him if he gave her a wrist band.

Court heard they had sex and then he refused to give her $40 -- enough to pay for the unlimited ride ticket.

So she complained to the fair customer service and they gave her a wrist band. What a great compensation package.

In other news, the two guys who were smoking pot while operating heavy machinery full of children are suspended from the fair for five days, but will be continuing with the fair unless they are caught again. (This is according to the public relations worker, who said the carnies have to go through regular drug testing. But if they had to take drug tests, why would they risk blowing their smoke right at the reporters they'd allowed on the ride to take pictures for the paper?)


Jen said...

Sounds like a great little town you are living in. ;)

geeksters said...

It's not the town's fault it was infested with carnies. It's better than going to court and seeing all sorts of local peopple hanging out with police escorts.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!