Monday, July 17, 2006

I love my job today

I've had the most insane day today and even though it's after 5:30, it's no where near quitting time.

So far today I've been in a parade and taken pictures it, written a story about the two RCMP officers who died in Saskatchewan after being shot last week, took more pictures, and interviewed a kid whose dad died so she's helping raise money for those suffering the same type of illness as her father had. I've also been using photoshop and been doing layout for the paper that gets printed tomorrow at noon.

Tonight I'm going out to ask people what they think about a fun event that's going on, and then it's back to the office for more photoshop and layout and panic. I love it. It's just the right amount of pressure and running around and it's so much better than being bored.

It's just after 9 p.m. now and I'm still at it.

Updated update:
It's 11:28 p.m. on Tuesday and the entire paper is written, photoshopped and laid out. We made it just before the deadline. Phew.


Jen said...

Sounds so exciting. I'd watch a movie about your life. The cool job as a journalist in a small town, the crazy dates you've had, all the situations you find yourself in. Seriously. It'd make a good movie!

Katy said...

That second update makes me wonder if you're also living in the future...

jfur said...

For some reason when I read this blog, I had a picture of Louise Lane running around getting the "hot scoop" on the "top story". Good job.

geeksters said...

Oops. Thanks Katy. I always get confused about a.m. and p.m. when it's between 11 and 1. I meant a.m.. I also get mixed up trying to tell left from right. I prefer to consider these problems as charming learning disorders rather than dumbness.

You're funny Jen. If there was a movie based on my life, no one would believe it. Too much crazy stuff happens to me (or I to it). I walked into two doors today, for example.

Now if only Clark Kent were around I'd be all set:)