Monday, August 14, 2006

Of bathrooms and busses

I got myself into a little crisis last night.

I was on the bus and it was getting late at night. We stopped at a town about an hour away from mine and I went into the depot/hotel to use the washroom.

The washroom was in the basement and it was kind of dark in the hallway. Making things even creepier, a greasy-haired older man was hanging out downstairs.

I went into the washroom, which was quite small, and turned to push the door closed behind me. The door was too big for the frame, but I wasn't going to take any chances with the creepy man, so I slammed myself into the door to get it to close.

Any guesses as to what happened?

I couldn't get the door open again.

And I'm a little clausterphobic.

And there weren't many people around in the hotel basement, besides the one whose help I didn't want.

After an awful lot of pulling, sweating, and bad words yelled silently, I finally managed to get out. And the bus was still waiting. Phew.

Perhaps in the future I won't be so skeptical about those tiny stinky washrooms at the back of the bus.


Anonymous said...

I'd cry.
Big crocadile tears.
I'm also claustrophobic, and the idea of being left behind.
Oooh it would have been bad.
I'm happy to hear you got out alive and are not still trapped in the creepy dungeon of the bathroom.

geeksters said...

I wouldn't have been allowed to cry about being trapped, because it was my own fault for jamming the door closed. I hate those situations where you have no one to blame but yourself.

Thanks for the sympathy though.

geeksters said...

Perhaps I created that fear in you, dear Faunty, what with all my terrorizing ways:)

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »