Monday, October 16, 2006


If you were a 6'2" woman and your husband was 5'11", would your shoe collection consist only of heels?

Mine wouldn't. I'm around 5'7" (maybe 5'8" because of yoga) and wear mostly flats so as not to dwarf shorter people. Even though I'm not short, my neck was getting sore looking up at this ridiculously-tall woman.


Jen said...

Jordan and I are both around 5'7". I have virutally no heels.

Marla said...

i've decided maury is man enough to handle me, heels and all. i do wear a lot of flip flops, but i just can't pass up wearing heels at least once or twice a week! (he's 1/2" shorter than me)

Samantha said...

I'm 5'10" and most of my friends are around 5'6" and generally they don't wear heels. I generally don't wear heels unless it's a really fancy occassion because then I'm WAY taller and they always comment on it. In regards to guys, it depends if I notice the height or not...or I just steer toward the tall dudes. If not, flats and flip flops are where it's at.