Friday, October 27, 2006


Happy last day to me!

My parents are coming tonight to help me move all my stuff and I'm so happy to escape this opressive environment where no one is able to communicate properly.

Besides being my last day, today is also payday and I just got a cheque for $400 more than I was expecting.

I promise my blog will soon be filled with all kinds of pictures, scanned images and less complaining.


Jen said...

Enjoy your last day! I hope from here on out everything goes smoothly.

Michelle said...

Geeksters, (read: I really want to address you by your first name), I hope that your next venture is more to your liking. I can't imagine that a grown woman would like to live back with Mom and Dad. I know my girls would hate it. Good luck Geeksters. I am on your side rooting for you.

geeksters said...

Thanks Michelle.

I see myself more a kid than anything, so the transition won't be too hard for the next few months. I think I might need to get a place of my own in the new year, but for now I plan to enjoy it all.