Monday, October 23, 2006

"May we live long and die out"

The above quote is the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement's motto.

I agree with the group and its socially-responsibile position and decided quite a while ago that I don't want to have my own genetic children. If you'll recall, I do have very long toes and an extra vertebrae in my neck.

I don't want all of humanity to become extinct, but I agree with the movement to stop overpopulation and to treat the already-existing people and the earth a chance to be healthy and well.

The group's website is


Crispin Heath said...

News from this side of the pond, we're not dying out soon but apparently we will be splitting in to 2 sub species.

geeksters said...

Funny, I thought the motto used the words "live long."

I suppose we all interpret things differently, though.