Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm famous (in a town with less than 5,000 residents)

Lately strangers have been coming up to me and asking if I'm the girl who works at the paper or asking what I'm working on for my column.

When I say yes, they seem a little awed, which is kind of confusing because the paper is kind of crappy. (I have to do a whole pile of editing just to make sure the stuff that goes in is actually in sentences.*)

So I just had to let you know I'm like totally a celebrity here. I should start autographing copies of the paper :)

*This reminds me of a third-year English class Faunty and I took together last year. The prof was getting irritated with how little some of the students seemed to know about what was expected from an essay she had assigned.

One of the students, seeming quite worried about the essay, asked, "What kind of format would you like us to use?"

The prof answered, "I would like it to be written in sentences and paragraphs."

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