Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Of court and social gatherings

A kind-of-cute guy I met on the weekend was in court this week.

His situation, although under the Highway Traffic Act and not the Criminal Code, is interesting enough to go in the paper so I'm putting it in.

It won't make it into the paper until next week and I'm probably going to see him at an event I'm covering this weekend.

Here's how the conversation will go:

Him: Hi.

Me: Hi. So I uh saw you in court. Too bad about the charge.

Him: Yeah.

Me: So it was nice to meet you and I still think you're not too bad to look at, but could you maybe not pick up a copy of the paper this week?

Him: Vague mumbled threats.


Jen said...

Maybe he is illiterate. We can only hope.

geeksters said...

I didn't think of that possibility. I may be in luck :)