Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Of pigs and spiders

Faunty and I took our littlest sister to see Charlotte's Web this afternoon. It was cute and she really liked it.

I liked it too, except I was disappointed with the scene when Charlotte catches a bug in her web. In the book, Charlotte says, "I don't eat them (bugs); I drink them. Drink their blood. I love blood." In the movie Charlotte is unfortunately not allowed to be quite so graphic.

My mom is cooking ham tonight and I'm curious to see if my little sister will be able to eat it. Poor little Wilber in our oven.


Michelle said...

what a good big sister you are. I find it funny that both your parents and Paul and I both received a child to care for after the first ones were almost grown. Your little sister is lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

Did she eat the ham?

I just finished the book (but I think you already knew that).
I was a little disappointed that the spider died at the end, but such is life.

geeksters said...

I like the scene where Charlotte dies, alone at the empty fairgrounds. It's so well written.

My little sister ate the ham with no problem, but I had to leave the room to avoid spreading vegetarian propaganda.