Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What I did today (a nearly comprehensive overview)

Today I had fun with my freelancing job and my potential new job.

I was checking out what was going on in court, mostly just out of curiousity, and saw a domestic violence trial. (I feel like a creep for being so fascinated by the legal system, by watching justice at work and hearing evidence about the crazy things some people do.) A guy hit his girlfriend bad enough that she needed nine stiches in her forehead and ripped her glasses off her face. He bent the glasses in half, bit them and then threw them into her yard. She didn't want to press charges or to testify and told the judge that she still loves him and wants to be with him.

Nothing else interesting was happening in court, so I went to the mall to get a local number for my cell phone. When I was leaving, I saw that a deep blue v-necked sweater I had really wanted to buy a few weeks ago had gone on sale. Of course I had to buy it. I'm thinking I'll wear my pointy shoes and the sweater with my pinstriped skirt suit.

I took the long way back to my car (more accurately known as my mom's car) and walked past the place my interview will take place and where two lucky recent grads will begin their corporate careers. There were tons of places for rent nearby and I couldn't help imagine my little dream life which includes that job, a darling apartment, organic groceries, yoga, fondu parties and fun nights out. Sigh. I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

Then I came home and the snowplower called. Apparently he was working on a road near my house and wanted me to drive over and meet him. I told him that as much fun as a date on the side of the road sounds, he needs to ask me on a proper date. Now we have tentative plans for brunch on Sunday. (This proper date/ 15 minute date is a running point of contention in our "relationship").

I continued preparing for my interview, memorizing stats about the company and trying to think of specific situations where I've handled conflict well and followed a company policy I disagreed with.

Then I came up with a great idea to make my freelancing boss happy and he loves it. He loves it so much he even used a little profanity to express himself. And because he liked the the idea so much, I started working on it and finished the project in less than an hour even though these things usually take about three hours to do. And I get paid by the job not by the time it takes to get it done, so I made a lot of money for tiny bit of fun work.

In sum, I'm having a nice day.


Jen said...

Sounds like a really nice day. I really like your dream life too. :)

Jen said...

Just popping in to say GOOD LUCK tomorrow. :)