Sunday, January 28, 2007

An end

The Snowplower and I just ended things.

He had asked me a few days ago about coming over for brunch today and I said okay. I called at around 10 this morning and left a message asking if we were still on. He called at 1:30 and said he guessed he was too late.

I agreed that he was too late and told him that I'm tired of not hanging out with him. I told him that when two people like each other, usually they would want to actually want to spend time together and not just talk on the phone once in a while. He responded by saying that he's really busy with work. "Work and sleep, that's my life," he said, then asked me to call him again sometime.

I have no idea why he would call so often if he didn't want to see me. I don't think we ever actually understood anything about each other.

And to clarify my last post about my non-single friends, I know (and have known for a while) that "he's just not that into me." I get that if someone doesn't make time to be with me that he doesn't want to date me. It just sucks to have happily-ever-after girls be so harsh about something that mattered to me.

P.S. Sorry about the depressed-sounding posts lately. I'll find out about the job I don't think I'll get in the next day or two, so there's a high likelyhood more glum ramblings will be coming up.

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