Sunday, April 02, 2006


Today I was supposed to do homework all day. With only a week and a half left of school, everything is due soon. But the weather is so nice that I can't make myself do any work.

Today instead of writing my 8-10 page English essay, I've eaten almost an entire pizza, sugared my legs, tried out my new acrylic paints, made a little batch of cookie dough (yes, just dough, not actual cookies), gave myself a facial, talked on the phone and checked out random internet sites.
Needless to say, my essay isn't coming along so well. I don't even know if I have time to finish it now.

But that won't stop me from watching Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy tonight. After all, a girl has to keep her priorities straight.


Jen said...

Nothing surpases Grey's Anatomy on the list of priorities. ;)

Sounds like a nice day! You got a lot done, just not the thing you set out to do.

Amanda Brown said...

I too am glad to hear that Grey's and the Wives top your list. What fun, guilty pleasures. It's a Sunday night ritual here with the gals of Summerland to watch them. :)

Bre said...

You seem like a person who loves life and wants to do what you love.... good for you. don't apologize for it or feel guilty. guilt is a useless emotion