Thursday, April 27, 2006

Oh, what a night!

Tonight was the documentary screening and everything went wonderfully. The police chief, a representative from the network that will be airing our work, the dean of our faculty and a few others including our executive producer spoke to introduce the documentary.

I missed part of the beginning because I was in the hall giving an interview to CTV.

And while I was doing that interview, a recruiter from CJME radio spoke with my other classmates asking us to apply to work for him and asking us to go live for a 15 minute interview on Monday. Either no one else wanted to get up early enough to do or they thought I'd do a good job, so I guess we'll find out if I do in fact vomit live on the air.

But back to the screening... The documentary was shown on a huge screen and looked even better than on my standard TV. Even though I have a lot of the script memorized and have seen the show dozens of times, it still gave me chills sitting in the audience. I'm fiercely proud of our show and afterwards we received so many compliaments that I was almost getting tired of saying "thank you," shaking hands and smiling. It was fantastic.

And we all looked so good too, if I do say so myself. Three of us were even wearing full suits!

I've been getting used to wearing my suits so often that it's a little sad hanging this one up while not knowing when or if I'll ever have another event to go to where a suit is required.

To end the night, a few of us went out celebrating. And it turns out that journalism grads are pretty much allowed to pick any field they want to get their masters in and -- with permission from the department heads -- are allowed to skip the two more years of credits other students have to gather before being able to enter their master's program. So maybe I will go for a sociology masters or English or philosophy or political science or human justice or something entirely different. Who knows.

It's sad that this part of my life is ending, but so exciting to see all the possibilites ahead.


x said...

giving interviews! power suits! working the room!

thats more like it sister.

just don't eat breakfat monday, that way worst case is that you'll just dry heave live, which can be faked into a cough. follow with big pageant smile.

go get em, tiger.

and again,

welcome to the jungle.

Jen said...

That's really exciting! I'm glad it went so well.

Proud of you!

Jen said...

I don't know how this is happening, but I'm starting to like you Jesus Loves Me.


x said...

yeah i'm a real little charmer ain't i?

either got it or ya aint.

geeksters said...

Glad to see you two are begining to resolve this long and bitter two-day feud. But I have to say this (temporary?) peace is giving me a lot less to comment about on here.
PS. The news is on in a few minutes!

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