Sunday, April 02, 2006

Flattery and presents

After having had four of my baby teeth pulled out in order for the dentist to dig into my gums and remove the adult teeth under them, you might think I would hate the dentist.

X-rays showed that I have six -- yes six -- wisdom teeth. I've already had two taken out, with four to go. And factoring in assorted cavities and floride treatments too, it would be reasonable to think I would despise the thought of the dentist chair and the tray of shiny silver torture devices.

But I really don't mind the suffering.

You see, every time I go to the dentist the hygenists and the dentist always say, "What nice, straight beautiful teeth you have." (They say this despite the fact that my teeth are monstrosities. The biggest ones are literally the size of chicklets.) The dentists' compliaments always make me laugh to myself because it reminds me of Little Red Riding Hood. There's nothing like a heavy dose of flattery to make minor surgery more bearable.

And of course the free toothbrush and dental floss are nice parting gifts.


Jen said...

I love going to the dentist. Like LOVE it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who dreads their visits. :)

Jen said...

pardon me ... I'm glad I'm not the only one who DOESN'T dread their visits.