Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A snapshop (for Amanda)

I didn't have my camera with me while rescuing the hitch hiker but -- luckily for my curious readers -- I have an extraordinarly good memory.

This is how I remember the hitch hiker as he got out of my car at one town and continued on to the next in the middle of the night and in the middle of a fierce snow storm.

This is how I remember him: hunched against the wind, struggling on, wildly stubborn and alone. The hitch hiker reminds me of the monster in Frankenstein, desperate for somewhere to belong and for someone to understand him.


Jen said...

hahaha. I'm sure that's the exact visual Amanda was hoping for.

Anonymous said...

Mucos gracias, Geeksters.
He's hot. :)

Anonymous said...

"Thanks for the boogers" is the translation of my last comment. Gah, typos! You mean what I know.

geeksters said...

You're very welcome for the boogers. I'm just glad to have found someone who appreciates them.