Sunday, December 10, 2006

Melancholy complaining

A guy I went to school with is hosting the evening news, some of the ambitious girls are working in public relations for government departments, others classmates have taken internships at huge papers, some are getting married and a few are off on international career-building adventures.

I, on the other hand, am still doing nothing.

I don't want to sell shoes (or anything else), don't want to get paid to type up lies, don't want to be on any radio or TV news shows and don't want to have to hunt people down for interviews on subjects I don't care about.

I can't find anything I want to do, I'm running out of money and I'm feeling suffocatingly bored all the time.


Chris said...

Just dance, like no one is watching.

Michelle said...

Well being at a low spot in your life is sufficient motivation to make a new start. It must be horrible to live with your parents again. You need to act like a sucessful person would act. Set some definite goals for yourself and methodically take steps to acheive them. And sometimes, you have to start with the not so ideal job on your way to the ideal one.

geeksters said...

Good to hear from you again, Chris.

Thanks for the practical advice, Michelle. I'm a little closer to figuring out what I want to do and how to get there, so things are beginning to look better.