Friday, November 17, 2006

My new acquaintance

I went to a pretentious English student's lecture series this afternoon because my newest non-single friend was presenting a paper she wrote.

Afterwards another student came up and asked if I had been at a New Years party at a beach with her 10 years ago. I said I hadn't, but she was sure she had seen me that night. "I was on acid and you were an angel with pretty hair," she said.

What a way to make a lasting first impression.


geeksters said...

Very impressive punctuation. And you even put the period on the right side of the brackets.

Also, I kind of liked the crazy girl. It's nice having interesting people around.

Jen said...

That sounds interesting! So were you at that party when you were 14?

geeksters said...

No, when I was 14 I was most likely at a church New Year's party or hanging out with my relatives. I was a little too sheltered to have ended up at drug party on the beach, no matter how good a story that would've made.

Anonymous said...

Which lecture did you go to?

And that is QUITE the first impression.