Thursday, November 30, 2006

Pirates: part three

My hitch hiker, who reminds me of the pirate version of Jonny Depp, called last night to let me he made it to his next destination in one piece.

He also let me know that although he is a professional hitch hiker, he found a listing for a job near me and is considering applying for it to be closer to me. I'm not sure if I find this more creepy or flattering.

I have a tiny (and embarassing) crush on him, and it would make a funny how-we-met story if anything were to happen, but I'm getting a little worried. I hear pirates make pretty crazy stalkers.


Jen said...

That would be a sweet love story for sure. :)

I never knew you could be a "professional" hitch hiker. Interesting ...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you made quite the impression. As long as he doesn't have a hook for a hand you're probably safe. :)