Thursday, March 02, 2006

my culinary failures

I love cake. White cake, chocolate cake, carrot cake, pudding cake, ice cream cake: I love them all. Tonight I was desperately in need of some sugary moist softness, and was feeling confident that I could easily whip up a delicious treat. Soon the smell of chocolate home-made goodness was filling the house and all seemed well. Until I tasted it, that is. It's so mushy and not even half cooked.

It kind of reminds me of the time I worked at a coffee shop and after seeing the cookies I made (which were excellent, according to my standards) my boss told me to stick to mixing drinks.

And then there was the time when I filled all the salt containers with sugar and all the sugar jars with salt to play a joke on my family. It wasn't until I made some cookies -- if you can call them that -- that I realized how badly my trick had backfired.

Maybe I should stick with eating chocolate chips straight out of the bag.

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