Saturday, February 18, 2006

confessions of a reformed anti-blogger

I used to read blogs to see what kinds of crazy personal details people would write for the world to see. And then I would think to myself, "Silly bloggers, what kind of people open their lives up for potential stalking?"
As someone who has dated more than my share of the psycho-stalker type, I know how important privacy is. But at the same time, it feels so freeing to know I can share a few of my secrets with anyone who looks for them.
Here are a few for starters:
1. I like hitch hiking.
2. I am a terrible, terrible dancer.
3. I am just as bad at driving as I am at dancing.
4. I kind of like my sisters.
5. I only think about trimming my toenails when I take off my socks for yoga class.
6. I feel creepy reading other people's blogs and have developed a slight addiction to a few.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »