Thursday, September 14, 2006

High and low

A public relations woman from the university I graduated from called to ask if I wanted a part-time job that sounded amazing. I was too excited about it to sleep and kept thinking about all the classes I would take and the profs I would discuss political and social ideologies with. I also thought about how nice it would be to get back into my favorite yoga class.

Then in between going to court — which was depressing — and discovering that the woman who wanted to hire me thought I was a student and probably can't hire a graduate, I had a long, sad tired day.


Jen said...

Aw. I hope it can still work out for you.

geeksters said...

Thanks, Jen. I doubt anything will happen with this, but I should be able to come up with another plan.

geeksters said...

As it turns out, the university is able to hire alumni, I should be getting a raise soon at my current job, and the only thing that makes me feel bad now is being called "lady." (But thanks for your concern, sir.)