Thursday, June 21, 2007

You know you are just a kid disguised as a business professional when:

1) You sneak chocolate pudding cups into the office in your purse and you eat them with your finger at your desk.

2) You can’t stop spinning back and forth in your office chair.

3) You are late for work so often that the security guards know your name and give you parental looks of disapproval when you race to the elevator.

4) You feel like you’re still taking part in an elementary-school experiment where your teacher gave you fake money and fake work so you could practice being an adult.

5) You don’t care that your skirt will show off the bruises that you always have on your legs.


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of one of my high school writing assignments. I wrote a rhyming couplet about a business woman who had broccoli stuck in her braces. There were a bunch of ironic things about her and from what I can remember you sound a lot like her.

Anonymous said...

You have to be at least partially an adult in the sense that you know that you should seem embarrassed by your actions?

I'm not expert, though. I just spent nearly a week playing with a kitten to the detriment of every other task I was supposed to complete.

Anonymous said...

*not AN expert. I swear, my grammar falls apart whenever I try to write in a space when someone will notice.