Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The case of the disappearing finances

I almost cried when trying to check my bank balance today. About a month ago I signed up for a new high-interest savings account with a bank that only communicates online and over the phone.

I put almost all of my money into the account on the advice of a financial advisor, but today when I went to log into my account for the first time, the computer said, “Welcome Michael.” (My name isn’t Michael).

In a panic I called the customer service centre and the worker who was helping me kept saying he didn’t know what was going on and that he couldn’t find me in the system. He put me on hold to try and figure out what had happened and while I was waiting I realized I was on the .com version of the bank’s site, not the .ca Canadian version.

Back on the Canada site I was able to log in and see that all my money is accounted for. (Phew). The stress I just went through cost me more than the interest I’ll collect this year.

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