Thursday, April 12, 2007

A possible scenario

Suppose a young professional is late getting to her office even though she likes her job and knows she has a boardroom meeting first thing in the morning.

Perhaps she’s running behind schedule because when she decided what she would wear to work that day, her definition of knee-length was a little confused. Maybe her “knee-length” skirt is more of a “lower-thigh” length and her “knee-high” boots would more accurately be described as “almost-top-of-calf” length.

And so, perhaps by her thinking that her skirt would meet her boots thereby covering up any knee hairs, she may have been startled to discover an urgent need for a quick shave.

She may have been in such a hurry that she decided to save time by shaving in her boots and skirt even though she’d have to wipe the soap off her boots with a towel.

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