Thursday, April 05, 2007

The creep within and without

The creep without:

An odd phenomon happens almost every time I go home for lunch. When I walk past the basement apartment windows, get to the front door of my building and start digging my keys out of my purse, the door buzzes and unlocks.

A few times I wondered if having my key near the lock was making it open, but several experiments proved that was not the case.

Then I tried walking to my building from the other side and found that the door did not buzz open for me.

At first I thought this was a cute little kindness, but it's happening too often. If someone really is sitting in his window, waiting for me to walk past every lunch hour just for the honour of buzzing me into my building, I think I ought to be a little alarmed.

Maybe it's a fluke or maybe someone gets a kick out of buzzing in all the tenents in our building, but I'm not really liking it.


The creep within:

Now that I've detailed a potentially creepy thing happening to me, let me tell you about a joke I made that didn't go over too well.

There's this guy -- smart, semi-good looking, around my age -- who'se working on a big project my department is involved with. He's into computers and has access to all kinds of information, so when I forgot to bring an important paper to work with me, I e-mailed him asking him to send me my personal information from his database.

A short while later he sent me what I needed to know and I found it hard to believe he actually had that information about me. So I e-mailed back saying, "Thanks. Do you also happen to know my social insurance number and my mother's maiden name?" I debated on adding a ;) to the message, but decided that wouldn't be work appropriate.

He hasn't responded and I think I may have frightened him.

The moral of my story is this:

Don't be creepy if you don't want other people to be creepy to you.


Jen said...

hahaha. Excellent moral.

Anonymous said...

Creepy people are always paranoid about other creeps, because they know the methods!

Happy Easter.

geeksters said...

Now you know my secret, so I won't have to disguise my creepiness anymore.