Thursday, April 26, 2007

This morning

In case you’ve been dying to know, the boardroom meeting went well. I was only nervous for the first few minutes and then everything fell into place – probably because the other intern did such a good job organizing it and because her part was before mine.

After the boardroom meeting, I whipped up an article for our employees about some exciting news that totally relates to all the stuff I’ve been working on this past while. I’m happy about the news personally, professionally and politically. (I’d tell you what it is, but then I wouldn’t be able to keep pretending that my blog is anonymous).

As soon as that was finished, I printed off some copies of our newest press release and headed out for a meeting with my organization’s spokesperson. Luckily I didn’t have to present at that meeting too.

After all that hectic business, I noticed it’s already 11:15 – almost time for lunch.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I have nothing to say expect for these points:

1) It's nice outside.

2) Faunty succeeded in her New Year's resolution to give me a bruise. (Don't worry, it's tiny and I'll survive).

3) The photographer is coming home in a week and a day.

4) I'm doing a presentation with another intern in the boardroom tomorrow.

5) I'm wearing pants that have a zipper but no button. While I was walking, the zipper came open. Maybe next time I'll wear a belt.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My ridiculousness


I was walking to work, swinging my purse a little by the strap, when a bunch of people came towards me from the other direction. I moved a bit closer to the edge of the sidewalk and continued swinging my purse.

As I was passing a fire hydrant, I felt a slight tug – my purse had gotten hooked on the front spout.


I was at a work seminar earlier this week wearing my regular boots and walking down a flight of regular stairs. Then I tripped and most glamorously struggled not to fall on my face. I barely managed to avoid falling. I did not manage to avoid embarrassing myself.

One might think that after 24 and a half years of existing, remaining upright should be a rather easy and mundane task.


You’ll forgive me for telling you such outdated news when you hear how disastrous it was.

Five years ago I was working as a house keeper at a fairly nice hotel when I lived in a mountain-resort town. I was wearing a drawstring skirt and a mandatory cleaning staff apron that tied in the back.

A hotel guest (male, late 40’s, early 50’s) was still in his room when I went to clean it and he wanted me to clean his room while he worked at a table across from the bed. As I was making his bed, my ankle-length skirt felt a little loose so I kept tugging it up.

It wasn’t until I was in the next room that I realized it hadn’t been my skirt that I was adjusting. Instead, I had been tugging up my very unprofessional underwear and likely sending out a rather inappropriate message. It wasn’t long after that terrible embarrassment that I decided to stop making other people’s beds.


I developed a crush on the guy who was behind me in line at the grocery store last night. This happened solely because he laughed at something I said and because our groceries matched. He was buying healthy bread and a huge case of organic salad. I was buying whole-wheat bread and organic lettuce.

It’s totally meant to be.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Office observations

1. There’s a pair of scissors in my office that I’m afraid of. They’re so long and clinical-looking that I once held them up to my side to see if they’d go all the way through me. They would.

My office is so concerned about security that I’m not allowed to go to my desk without first showing the security guards my ID card, yet an enraged worker could stab all the way through me with an office-provided tool.

2. There’s a 25-person and 4,000-pound limit on our elevator. But it is suffocatingly-crowded when nine smallish people squish on for the ride to their floor. I wonder what circumstance would have 25 160-pound people stacked floor to ceiling to meet the elevator’s carrying capacity.

3. The cleaning staff waters my plant and vacuums around my desk. But, as is rather obvious, they don’t vacuum behind my desk. I have a pile of leaves and papers that must have taken years to get so deep.

A guy who works near me has papers, leaves, an orange and what appears to be the remains of a hotdog wrapped in a pita lost in the abyss behind his desk.

4. I find it rude taking candy from the bowl by the secretary’s desk, so I always find myself waiting until lunch break or the end of the day when no one’s around before I’ll grab a little treat. It seems a little like authorized theft.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Nice things

Nice thing 1:

Faunty and I were at the library the other day and I was looking at the magazine selection. Time looked especially interesting with a double-edition feature issues around climate change and I really wanted to read it. Unfortunately the library holds on to a new magazine until a newer one comes in to replace it, so Faunty and I left sans Time.

The next day I checked my mail and (get ready for a touch of irony) that issue of Time was waiting there for me. Turns out the person who lived in the apartment before me didn't let the magazine know she moved. I hope I keep getting Time for free forever.

Nice thing 2:

I had a shower just before meeting a friend for a leisurely Saturday morning walk and my hair was still damp when we started walking. It was so nice out that the sun dried my hair and I wasn't even a tiny bit cold.

Nice thing 3:

I got my taxes back today and the total comes to $2,100. Yes, that's the right number. $2,100 is a lot of money. And payday is on Monday. I'll pay off the last bit I owe on my student loan and I'll finally be in the plus. Yay.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A possible scenario

Suppose a young professional is late getting to her office even though she likes her job and knows she has a boardroom meeting first thing in the morning.

Perhaps she’s running behind schedule because when she decided what she would wear to work that day, her definition of knee-length was a little confused. Maybe her “knee-length” skirt is more of a “lower-thigh” length and her “knee-high” boots would more accurately be described as “almost-top-of-calf” length.

And so, perhaps by her thinking that her skirt would meet her boots thereby covering up any knee hairs, she may have been startled to discover an urgent need for a quick shave.

She may have been in such a hurry that she decided to save time by shaving in her boots and skirt even though she’d have to wipe the soap off her boots with a towel.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The creep within and without

The creep without:

An odd phenomon happens almost every time I go home for lunch. When I walk past the basement apartment windows, get to the front door of my building and start digging my keys out of my purse, the door buzzes and unlocks.

A few times I wondered if having my key near the lock was making it open, but several experiments proved that was not the case.

Then I tried walking to my building from the other side and found that the door did not buzz open for me.

At first I thought this was a cute little kindness, but it's happening too often. If someone really is sitting in his window, waiting for me to walk past every lunch hour just for the honour of buzzing me into my building, I think I ought to be a little alarmed.

Maybe it's a fluke or maybe someone gets a kick out of buzzing in all the tenents in our building, but I'm not really liking it.


The creep within:

Now that I've detailed a potentially creepy thing happening to me, let me tell you about a joke I made that didn't go over too well.

There's this guy -- smart, semi-good looking, around my age -- who'se working on a big project my department is involved with. He's into computers and has access to all kinds of information, so when I forgot to bring an important paper to work with me, I e-mailed him asking him to send me my personal information from his database.

A short while later he sent me what I needed to know and I found it hard to believe he actually had that information about me. So I e-mailed back saying, "Thanks. Do you also happen to know my social insurance number and my mother's maiden name?" I debated on adding a ;) to the message, but decided that wouldn't be work appropriate.

He hasn't responded and I think I may have frightened him.

The moral of my story is this:

Don't be creepy if you don't want other people to be creepy to you.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Spolied rotten

There was a pale pink package wrapped in a bow waiting on my desk when I got to the office this morning. Inside was a lovely treat -- a $100 gift certificate to the spa. I have a massage booked for tomorrow evening and I can't wait.

Also today, I found out that there's a big conference in Ottawa in June. It's related to what I do at my job, so work is most likely paying for a few of my coworkers and I to go on a learning trip.

And we have another business trip coming up next week and will be staying at another nice hotel.

I'm starting to get used to all this spoiling. I wish my internship could last forever.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Summer school

I get to go to school for free this summer.

I found a summer class that I wanted to take and I thought it would help me do better at my job. When I told my boss about it, she said work would pay for it and other relevant classes I might want to take.

I love school and free school is even better.