Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Or I could get a seeing eye dog

I just booked an appointment with my eye doctor. We’re going to talk about the possibility of me getting laser eye surgery.

Thinking about getting the top layer of my eyes sliced open, having a computer-directed beam shooting deep into my eye and reshaping it, and wearing Band Aid contacts until I can see again – provided that I don’t go blind – makes me quite nervous.

Also, paying just over $3,000 for something that has no guarantees doesn’t do much to relax my nerves, especially considering that it’s only $1,599 for a flight to Johannesburg and back. But a trip to Far Away would be even better if I could see once I got there.


Amanda Franks said...

I really want to get that surgery as well. I like to remember that after the surgery I could actually wake up in the morning and see! My aunt had it done and it went well and she didn't go blind and hasn't had to have it repeated!

Anonymous said...

I happened across your blog and wanted to tell you that I had Lasix laser surgery done last Aug and was EXTREMELY happy about how my vision turned out. Til then, I was useless unless I was wearing my glasses. I am just over 50 now and do need reading glasses for fine print but am simply happy to be able to see the alarm when I wake up without having to do the "pat down" of my night table to find my glasses first. There is simply freedom in being able to see without glasses. Something I have never experienced before. Guess what else -- it only cost $1420/eye and I had it done in Calgary at Gimbel Eye Centre. WONDERFUL people with wonderful care. I would highly recommend the trip there to get it done. The best part, I had absolutely NO PAIN throughout any part of the process, nor afterward. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND having this type of surgery.
- Northern Momma