Monday, January 15, 2007

A chemical mystery

I used a dark blonde dye to make my lighter hair and my darker roots blend together. I left the dye on exactly 25 minutes and had made sure the dye in the box was labelled with the same number as the picture on the box, so I was quite confused when my hair ended up almost black. It was awful.

I called Garnier to complain, but because I admitted I hadn't done a strand test before dying my hair they weren't too understanding of my mini-crisis.

The woman in customer service said somehow my hair must have just slurped up the colour and my only options were to get used to the new colour or to buy a dandruff shampoo. Apparently if you use a clear or white dandruff shampoo with no conditioner in it and leave it on dry hair for 30 minutes, it eats some of the colour off your hair.

Though I have no idea how it works, I tried it and my hair is much less detestable now. And you'll be pleased to know that I have no flakes of dead skin hanging out on my scalp.


Jill said...

Oh my! Best of luck trying to find a colour you want. If not, I'm sure you're still your cute self with black hair... just a more dramatic version.

jfur said...

that's a very useful and handy piece of info I just learned. If the day comes that I too want to dye my hair, I will also buy some head and shoulders just in case!

Jen said...

Oh my! haha. I dyed my hair brown once and somehow it came out WHITE!

Anonymous said...

Aw, sorry to hear of your hair crisis but I am glad you find a bit of a solution. I have sworn off home dye jobs due to my past horrific experiences with them. Maybe it would be cathartic to post a photo on your blog of the hair? :)

Anonymous said...

Best tip ever.
I find when going from light anything to even a medium brown can be traumatic.
Glad you're alright with it now :)

geeksters said...

White, Jen?!? That's so crazy. I bet you looked like one hot grandma:)

Sorry Amanda, but I don't have any pictures of my new hair and have learned from past experience that sticking my head into the scanner isn't quite as fun as one would think;)