Monday, November 06, 2006

Trading spaces

For quite a few years, my parents have been wanting to sell our house and move closer to my little sister's school. But our house is so big, the people who've come to look at it in the past have thought it really is too much house for them. Also, it's not in the best location.

Our house isn't on the market now, but a woman called my mom earlier today to ask if we would consider trading houses with her. Her house is exactly where we want to live and it sounded perfect from the way she described it.

We went to see her house this afternoon and it was so disappointing. It's 1/2 the size of our house, is 30 years older, has hideous basement and is painted a puke yellow.

It's only worth as much as our house because of where it's located, but we're thinking about it because we really want to live in that area and be so close to the places we drive to everyday. Living there would save us $300 a month in gas, but it will be a sad trade if we decide to go with it.


Jen said...

That's a hard choice. Choosing between where you want to be and where you need to be. Good luck to your family!

x said...

barnum and bailey.

there's a sucker born every minute...

geeksters said...

We're not taking the trade. If they really want our house, they can pay our asking price. For now I get to keep my lovely room.