Friday, February 16, 2007

Day one

I love my job and my huge window and my great big desk and my coworkers and my mountains of responsibilities.

I've never been so excited about a job before. Another girl and I will be working together and she is signed up for the boring stuff, while I get all the fantastic little plums. (We have different education and experience, so she probably thinks I have the lame job). I already gave my input in a meeting, organized my schedule for the next few months and met dozens of people whose names I won't remember. I'll be doing piles of research, a bunch of writing, giving training presentations to other employees and helping out with marketing campaigns. And I really believe in the work I'll be doing.

Apparently the company has a really strict internet policy and moniters all of our internet work, so I'll have to figure out a way to keep blogging.


Anonymous said...

Mine has the same policy. It hasn't stopped me yet :)

Anonymous said...

The job sounds like a dream...and you can thank those pointy shoes for helping you nail the interview. Sounds like things are peachy.
And if your blog remains annonymous it shouldn't be a problem, should it? Wouldn't want you to get dooced. :)